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Desktop Tools

is a web application integrating into one user interface a file explorer and an email client. The typical disjunction between comparable single applications is abolished.
Desktop Lock Business Edition
It provides the Virtual Screen to help you create virtual desktops to limit users to use only the programs you specified.
DeskLook for Outlook
A productivity add-on for Microsoft Outlook that shows your appointments, tasks and number of unread messages on the interactive desktop with a calendar for three months.
Xilisoft Multiple Desktops
A multi-desktop organizer and virtual desktop manager that can create multiple virtual desktops and perform desktop switching by mouse click or user-defined hotkeys.
A shell replacement application, which gives you to get a completely new, powerful and easily configurable desktop, making your computing a more pleasant and productive experience.
Aston Secure Desktop
A security build of Aston 1.x branch. It possesses all the features of regular Aston shell, but constrains the ability to alter the admin-defined settings.
Talisman Desktop
A desktop alternative and shell-replacement for Windows, Talisman replaces the standard Windows Desktop through the creation of a new interface of any complexity.
Online Desktop Presenter
Transmit your screen content online via Internet or Intranet for online presentations, online trainings, sales conversations etc. to one or several remote Internet users.
FlashPaste Professional
a new breed of text copying & paste utilities for making it easier to enter the frequently used text blocks: greetings, standard phrases, e-mail addresses, Internet addresses, logins/passwords, etc.
CS Desktop Notes
This small program allows you easily attach post-it like notes to your windows desktop. You can use individual visual appearance for each note.
Changer XP
With Changer XP, you can set your favorite images as your boot screen, desktop wallpaper and IE Skin. Besides, the screen saver programs can run in the order you like.
1st Clock
1st Clock is a taskbar clock replacement that offers a fully customizable clock display, alarms, atomic time synchronization, popup calendar, time zones and more.
Active Captions
is a handy utility that extends window's caption buttons with additional features. Click with right mouse button on window's Maximize/Restore button to roll-up window to its title bar.
is a virtual desktop manager that creates multiple desktops. It is small, stable, fast, easy to use and can improve your efficiency.
Quick Hide
provides a quick and easy way for home and office PC users to quickly get sensitive materials off the screen without closing programs or losing documents.
is a desktop manager with built-in utilities, templates, calendar and the option to add active clocks to your desktop.
Round Clock 2005
As event reminder it lets you conveniently manage your important dates and times.
LockGear Professional
is a powerful and easy-to-use software utility that allows to lock your computer with password protection from unauthorized access when you are away your workplace.
1st Atomic Time
1st Atomic Time adjusts your system time with Internet atomic time servers. 1st Atomic Time can work as a time server for any size network.
Desktop Atomic Clock
is a program to synchronize your computer clock with an atomic clock over the Internet.
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