Chess Genius Classic
For desktop and notebook PC's running Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000 or XP.
ChessGenius, a World Championship chess playing program, ChessGenius made headlines all around the world by
beating the human World Champion, Gary Kasparov,
at the Intel World Chess Grand Prix in London. Compact, powerful and fast. Written by Richard Lang,
ten times Computer Chess World Champion.
Version 7.2 with improved graphics is a free update for all registered users of ChessGenius Classic 7.0.
Install over the previous version. No need to enter License Key again.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 7.2 |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- Pentium II CPU
- 512 MB RAM
File Size: | 587 KB |
Genre: | Strategy |
License: | Free to try, $24.99 to buy |
Rating : |  |
Main Features of Chess Genius Classic :
- Incredibly strong play
Excellent play even on the 'instant' level
- Unlimited playing levels
Ten easy levels. ChessGenius makes deliberate mistakes
Unlimited time based levels. Instant, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec, ... 3 mins ...
Unlimited Blitz levels. Whole game in 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 5 min, .... 2 hrs .... The Chess Clocks count down in these levels.
You lose if you run out of time
Unlimited Tournament levels. e.g. 40 moves in 2 hours
Mate solving levels and fixed search depths.
- Game information
The moves of the game including variations and comments
Chess Clocks. Total White and Black time and move time
Analysis. For example, the line may show:
"1.03 05 cxd4 Nxd4 Nc6 Bb5" This means that:
ChessGenius is winning by 1.03 pawns. Search depth = 5, and line of moves. ChessGenius is planning cxd4 and expects Nxd4 in reply etc
Opening book and database information
- Set-up position
Any legal position can be entered
- Take back and Step forward
Take back moves to start of game and Step forward to end of game. Easy take back with VCR type controls or double clicking on any move in move record..
- Hint
Let ChessGenius suggest your move
- Players
Play against ChessGenius, against another player or watch ChessGenius play itself
- Analyze game
Like 2 player mode but ChessGenius calculates continuously and shows its thinking. Useful for replaying games to see where mistakes have been made or for playing over an imported PGN Master game.
- Rules of Chess
Understands all the rules of Chess including, en-passant, underpromotion, castling, draw by repetition and the 50 move rule. Announces a draw if there is insufficient material to win
- Database support
Full database ( PGN and CBF formats) and variation support.
- Save and Load games
Games can be saved and loaded in PGN and CBF database files. Multiple games per file.
- Permanent brain option
ChessGenius assumes that the human player will play the hint move and calculates its reply whilst waiting. It will play stronger.
- Tutor option
ChessGenius will warn if a blunder / weak move is played and give the option of take back.
- Adjustable views
Adjustable colors, screen and board layout
- Free updates
Updates will be free for registered users.
- Improved graphics:
Better support for high resolution displays.
Addition piece sets.