Eureka Email
Sick of junk email? Bored of all email programs looking the same? Take a look at Eureka Email and
see how different things could be...
Eureka Email is a powerful and easy to use email client which has built in junk
email filtering which learns as it goes along.
Eureka Email has a built in junk email filter which can remove about 95% of your spam and it continually learns
as it comes across new junk emails. You can customise the program so each of your friends has
their own icon and sound for when they send you an email. You can also set up special accounts for your
children so that they never get to see sexually explicit or offensive junk emails.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: |
New |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- 64 MB RAM
- Pentium 200 or better
License: | Free to try, $19.95 to buy |
File Size: | 2.62 MB |
Screenshot : |
View Screenshot |
Rating : | |
Eureka Email's Features:
- View Emails As Icons
Viewing your emails as icons rather than as a list means you can associate a
different picture with each person you know so you can see at a glance who the email
is from. You can sort your emails in order of the date sent, the sender's name,
the subject, the icon used, the sender's domain, the email's status or its junk email score.
- Junk Email Filter
Eureka Email intelligently learns what is junk email
and will delete most spam before you even see it. If a junk email slips through,
just drag and drop it from your In folder to the special Junk folder and Eureka
will learn the words, phrases and structures in that email so it will get better
at catching a similar junk email in the future. Emails sent from people listed in
your address book are never regarded as junk so they will never be accidentally deleted.
- Multiple POP accounts
You can query as many different POP servers as you want
so all of your email can be collected together into one place. You can even separate
emails if two or more people use a single POP account but have different email addresses.
- Groups Made Easy
With just a click of the mouse you can create a group from
the sender of an email and all the people on the email's CC list.
- Powerful Search
With one click you can search for all the emails you've sent
and received from an individual, all the emails on the current email's subject
(see that whole "conversation"), or all the emails from the sender's email domain
(see all the emails from that person's company).
- Spell checker
Choose between an 80,000 or 200,000 word American
and British dictionary which checks your spelling automatically and offers corrections.
- "Dismiss" feature
You can assign a folder where you want a person's emails
to go to when you're done with them. Just click the dismiss button and the current
email flies off to that folder to keep your Inbox tidy.
- Block Viruses and Trojans
Eureka Email will not let you directly run an executable
attachment sent from someone who is not in your address book, and will warn you and ask
you to confirm running an attachment from someone who is.
- Address Book
From your address book you can assign an icon and a sound
to each person that you know. You can view entries in your address book in order of name,
icon or how many emails you've sent to or recieved from that person.
- MailWasher Pro
Stop spam and unwanted email with MailWasher Pro. Over 7 million downloads!
- Spam Monitor
is an easy-to-use Anti spam filter that detects and isolates unsolicited junk mail sent to your mailbox
- G-Lock SpamCombat
spam filtering software that lets you remove spam emails just from the mail server
- MailScan - Complete Antivirus and Content Security
world's first 'Real-Time', Content Security Software that performs content filtering and virus scanning of your system
- Anti-SPAM Guard - Anti spam mail
is a the first product of its kind to completely protect the emails you receive and the emails you sent out.
- Spamoed Pro
is a mail filtering software
- Mail Inspector
small remote e-mail client. It can scan your mailboxes (POP3 and IMAP4) for new mail which will be displayed with sender, receiver, subject, date, size
- GoldTach Pro
powerful and easy-to-use internet security tool that integrates four functions:Personal Firewall, Process Communication Control, E-mail Protection and Webpage Content Filtration
- Lockspam Pro - safe spam blocker
safe spam blocker for POP3 mail clients, like Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Incredimail, Mozilla, Foxmail, i.Scribe and many others
- MailScan - Complete Antivirus and Content Security
world's first 'Real-Time', Content Security Software that performs content filtering and virus scanning of your system
- MailPerfect
email filtering software which sits behind an email client such as Outlook Express
- Anti-Porn - porn filter software
It is a comprehensive porn filter software to protect children from porn web content.
- Outlook Spam Filter
is an easy-to-use MS Outlook add-on that protects your Inbox against spam.
- SpamRemover
ia a powerful tool that filters your incoming mail by content and sender