Hex Code Helper
Hex Code Helper is just what its name suggests. It is a program to help you with coding color hex codes.
I know how annoyingly difficult some programs can be to use, but no fear. Hex Code Helper is so easy to use & learn,
your grandma could probably learn it faster than you can type your full name. Well, maybe not,
but anyone with a even a little experience with computers can easily learn to use it.
Hex Code Helper is made to be compatible with all kinds of HTML Editors such as FrontPage,
HotMetal, Homesite, Editpad, Hot Dog and Notepad just to name a few.
I know that most of these do not offer even decent color matching and viewing utilities.
Hex Code Helper will help you out with WYSIWYG editors as well as text editors.
Note: In order to install Hex Code Helper, you need the Visual Basic 6 Runtimes!
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 1.18 |
- VB6 Runtimes installed
- Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP
- Pentium processor
- 64MB RAM
File Size: | 454 KB |
License: | Freeware |
Rating: |  |
Key Features:
- Easy to use scroll bars to change the color.
- A large sample of the color for easy preview.
- You can also choose the color from a "Color Spectrum" in a feature called Color Picker.
- Compatibility with Netscape's 216 standard colors which make up a Safe Palette or "safe colors".
- Auto Safe which will automatically make whatever color you choose, a safe color(look above).
- The ability to enter a Hex Code and edit it and see the RGB values for it.
- Hex Code Helper gives you all RGB Values for all shades.
- The ability of entering your own RGB Values and getting a Hex Code for it and being able to edit it.
- The ability to copy the current Hex Code or the RGB Values of a color to
the clipboard for pasting anywhere on the computer including your HTML documents.
- Right Click support throughout the program for easy access to some necessary features and options.
- An extensive Color Matching Station which will let you match two colors. You can also match text colors with the background color.
- The ability to edit, hide and change the color of the Sample text in the Color Matching Station.
- Easy access shortcuts for important or widely used commands including copying, auto safe palette,
color matching station, safe palette and more.
- A whole list of Presets for fast access to some of the common colors.
- Descriptions of the main features and uses in the program under the help menu.
- A "Stay on top" feature in which Hex Code Helper would stay above all other programs.
- The ability to save important colors as HCH files which can be loaded through Hex Code Helper later.
- The ability to save Color Matching Station themes as HCHM files which can be loaded later from Color Matching Station.
- You can add HCH to your system tray or keep it on the taskbar...or both!
- Now you can change the font of the Sample text in the Color Matching Station.
- And many more...
More Screenshots - Click each image to enlarge! |