ICS Component |
Description |
TWSocket |
Basic winsock component. Fully event-driven and
multi-thread safe. It supports TCP, UDP, SOCKS5
and can be used to build both client and server
programs. Option: SSL support.
TWSocketServer |
A TWSocket derived component
for multi-user server handling.
Option: SSL support. |
TSmtpCli |
SMTP client protocol support. Used to send
mail and attached files to a mail server. |
TPop3Cli |
POP3 client protocol support. Used to retrieve
mail form a mail server. |
tdnsQuery |
DNS query component is used to retrieve MX
records (Mail Exchange, needed for most SMTP
applications) from DNS, as well
as A records (IP address from hostname) and
Ptr records
(hostname from IP address) records. |
TMimeDecode |
Supports MIME decoding (file
attachments). Useful with the
TPop3Cli component. |
TFtpCli |
FTP client protocol support. Used to send
and receive files to/from an FTP server.
Also able to do directory and file handling. |
TFtpSrv |
FTP server protocol support. This component
will make your application a full featured
FTP server. Beta version. |
TNntpCli |
NNTP client protocol support. Used to read
and post news to/from a newsgroup server. |
THttpCli |
HTTP client protocol support. Used to
access any WEB server for getting or
posting data. Base component to build
a web browser. Includes Proxy support.
Option: HTTPS support (Secure SSL communication). |
THttpSrv |
HTTP server protocol support. Used to
build a web server or to add a browser
interface to your application.
Option: HTTPS support (Secure SSL communication). |
TTnCnx |
TELNET client protocol support. |
TEmulVT |
ANSI terminal emulation (like a
but with ANSI escape sequences interpretation). |
TTnEmulVT |
TELNET and ANSI terminal emulation combined
into a single component. You can build a
full telnet client program in only a few
lines of code. |
TTnScript |
TELNET scripting component. Used to automate
work with telnet session (such as auto login
and password). |
TFingerCli |
FINGER client. Use it to retreive information
about logged user connected to a Unix
machine (or any other with a finger server). |
TPing |
ICMP Ping support. You can Ping a host
and get the resulting info. |
Sample Application |
Description |
Client5 |
A basic client program using
component. Use with any of the server
applications described below. |
TcpSrv |
A basic multi-user server. Start all your
TCP servers from this sample. |
DnsLook |
How to use TWSocket
DNS lookup feature. |
Finger |
A Finger client using
TFingerCli component. |
FtpTst |
A full featured FTP client based on
the TFtpCli component. |
FtpSrv |
A full featured FTP server based on
the TFtpSrv component. |
HttpPg |
Use THttpCli component
to post some data to a web server. |
HttpTst |
Basic THttpCli
component use. No very
useful, but demonstrate most component features. |
WebServ |
A THttpSrv
component is used to build a webserver. |
MtSrv |
Basic multi-threaded server using
TWSocket .
Accept any number of simultaneous client,
servicing each one in a thread. The base for
any real world server. See also
(event-driven) and MidWare
for a complete client/server framework. |
NewsRdr |
A basic newsreader using
TNntpCli component. |
PingTst |
A ping program using
TPing component. |
MimeDemo |
Show how to use the TMimeDecode
to decode EMails received with the
component. You can display or save the
message and all its attached files. |
Server |
A basic yet complete event-driven server
using TWSocket .
Can support any number of
client. The server fetch some data from
a TTable
at client request. |
MailRcv |
A basic POP3 client program. Demonstrate
most TPop3Cli
features. Quite useful.
Can be the base for a real EMail program
if merged with the
MailSnd program
(see below). |
MailSnd |
A basic SMTP program (send mail).
Quite useful. Can be the base for a real
EMail program if merged with the
program (see above). |
NsLookup |
Show how to use DNS query component
to retrieve MX, A and Ptr records
directly from DNS. |
TnClient |
A full featured TELNET client program
with ANSI terminal emulation. |
TnDemo |
A TELNET client using a
TMemo to
display incomming data. |
TnSrv |
A basic event-driven server. Can
support any number of concurrent clients.
The base for any real world server. See
also TcpSrv ,
MtSrv (multi-threaded) and MidWare
for a complete client/server framework. |
TWSChat |
A full featured CHAT program, both client
and server. It's a good demonstration for
many TWSocket features. |
UdpLstn |
A UDP server demo. It listen for UDP
messages on a given port and displays them. |
UdpSend |
A UDP client demo. It sends or broadcasts
UDP messages to a given port. |
SocksTst |
A simple client program showing how
to use the SOCKS5 protocol to traverse
a firewall or proxy like WinGate. |
ConCli |
Actually 2 console mode applications
showing how to use
TWSocket into console
mode client applications. |
ConSrv |
Much like TnSrv
sample program, but using
console mode application (usefull to
write a daemon or service). |
IcsDll |
Shows how to build DLL with a
TWSocket .
The sample DLL connect to
TcpSrv sample
program to get date/time. A sample demo
application shows how to call the DLL. |
DynCli |
A very basic client program showing
how to use a dynamically created
TWSocket component. |