Print It
Print It is an easy to use directory printer and more.
Print It allows you to print, copy, or save custom directory listings of multiple folders from any drive.
Include and exclude filters can be applied to both the files and folders to produce a custom listing.
Sub folders can be filtered before adding them to the list, or you can simply remove any unwanted folders
from the list before hand.
Printing a directory listing doesn't have to be hard. With Print It you see the list of folders and can
even view the files within so you are never forced to print any thing. Say good bye to wasted paper,
because the output wasn't quite what you expected. You can even see and change the file formatting
from the interface which includes a nice set of options to suit everyone.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 1.04 |
- Windows 95 or higher
- 486DX or higher processor
- 32 MB of memory
- 315 KB of available disk space
- VGA or higher-resolution graphics card
- Mouse or compatible pointing device
File Size: | 194 KB |
License: | Free to try, $29.95 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating: |  |
Key Features of Print It :
- Easy to use interface with space saving options.
- Add any number of drives and/or folders to the list.
- Supports drag and drop to make build a list easy.
- Option to remove folders when empty.
- You can add or delete individual folders from the list.
- Clear the entire list and start over if you need to.
- Intelligent sub folder control save you loads of time.
- Include and Exclude filters for both the files and folders.
- You control which file and folder items to include.
- Additional formatting for all the file and folder items.
- You can choose from 2 different layouts with additional options.
- Full printer setup, page size, and margin support.
- You control all aspects the printer font and can even print in color.
- Includes support for both true type and printer fonts.
- You can save the results to a ASCII text file or copy it to the clipboard.
- Exporting includes complete control over padding and spacing.
- Out the results using a tab character or any character you choose.
- Quick and easy context sensitive help by using the F1 function key.
- Includes complete install and uninstall support.
- Check for updates directly from within Print It.
- And more...