MapIT Designer
MapIT Designer enables you to map out and communicate your complex decision-based knowledge
MapIT Designer software guides users through complex legislation, procedures or workflows.
It enables organisations/individuals to provide straight forward self-help and diagnosis systems for
their users using a simple drag-and-drop designer.
All our clients have similar goals: they need to guide their users through
complex interactions to reach a defined result. Whether this is in the
production of an online self-help system, a fault analysis system, running
surveys, structured information capture, or guiding a reader through compliance
with an involved piece of legislation; this tool enables rapid development
of the user interface, or compliance and capture instrument.
MapIT is a simple drag-and-drop software tool which facilitates the construction
of complex decision logic in HTML format. The end-users are presented
with clean, clear web pages that show questions and gather answers. The
navigation is setup through simple visual techniques such as dragging
an arrow from page to page in the designer. The general usage is in, but
not restricted to, Customer Care and the Support sector.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: |
2.0 |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- 512 MB RAM
File Size: |
1.81 MB |
License: |
Free to try |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot
Rating : |
With MapIT Designer our clients have achieved the following and much, much more:
- Maximises adherence to set procedure
- Minimises the risk of regulatory or procedural non-compliance
- Reduces staff training time
- Reduces time to construct and test complex routes through procedures
- Reduces the time to advise on complicated issues.
The features of MapIT Designer focus on turning Complexity into Simplicity through the following:
- Easy to use drag-and-drop Script and Screen builder
- Construction of complex decision-based navigation logic
- Link into supporting Web-based content
- Capture data via text entry, check boxes, radio buttons
- Send data to business systems of your choice for processing
- Save as standards-compliant HTML
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