XWars 2555 is a 3D space-fighting game. Unique of it's kind on mobile phones!
The game feature a war in space in full 3D, with challenging missions and an interesting story line!
Background Story: The time is 2555. The place is plant Cyko in Andromeda.
Tartian and Gargarian people are living in peace now since they struck an agreement a century ago.
The two neighboring nations are living in harmony and peace now. One year ago Gargarian have breached
their agreement by attacking our bases and destroying most of our galaxian power! They intend to take
over our planet system and expand to control the entire galaxy. You are one of the main lieutenant in
the army and your mission is to smash your enemies, put an end to their evil goal and to save your people.
The game comprises of five missions. In each mission you should fight big fleets of enemies.
Buy Site: http://www.zgroup-mobile.com/reviews/XWars2555/XWars2555.html
Key Features:
- Excellent use of Dialogue:
This will enrich the game and add more fun to the player's experience
- Different Enemies:
During the game you will see many different enemies each should be approached differently.
- Various Weapons:
The player could choose between three types of weapons that he can use.
He should use his ammo wisely and effectively in order to complete each mission.
- Player can choose between three different ships:
This will add a lot to the playability of the game as the player can replay the whole game
entirely with another ship. Different ships have different capabilities,
different aiming techniques and different weapons.
- Sound & Vibrator effects make the game more enjoyable.
4,6 or right/left: Move the spaceship right or left.
2,8 or Up/Left: Move the spaceship up and down.
0:Pause/Resume game.
*: change weapon
'4' or 'Left': Move the ship to the left.
'6' or 'Right': Move the ship to the right.
'8' or 'Down': Move the ship down.
'2' or 'UP': Move the ship up.
For second ship (equipped with two cannons on central-left and central-right):
'1' or '7': use left cannon
'3' or '9': use right cannon
'5': use both cannons
For third ship (equipped with four cannons on four corners):
- '1': left up cannon
- '3': right up cannon
- '7': left down cannon
- '9': right down cannon
- '5': use all cannons