Autosend is a shareware that lets you share files on your computer with others, through a basic email account.
It is the solution you need for sharing files with people who do not have access to FTP, IRC, NEWS, PEER TO PEER,
are behind firewalls... Or if you do not want to setup a complicated FTP or HTTP server. It is valuable if you want
to share a lot of small files and only have a small storage online, all the shared files stay on your computer.
It can also give you a remote access to yourself!
Autosend is a file server. Everything is provided to share files through e-mail. People request files by mail
(the subject of the mail is the name of the file requested) and the files requested are sent back immediately by mail
as attachments, automatically.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 2.7 |
- Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP
- Pentium or similar processor
- SUN Java Virtual Machine 1.4 or above
- 64 MB RAM
File Size: | 2.95 MB |
License: | Free to try, €39.00 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating: |  |
Main Features:
- Easy to set up thanks to a friendly user interface.
- Download the files you want (each file sent must be requested).
- Upload files to the server.
- Share different files with members and non-members.
- Ability to log the activity (and get the e-mails of people who used the service).
- Ability to reply to lists requests (sends a reply with all files that can be requested,
or with files created after a certain date, or files which name contains a certain pattern).
- Disconnect from internet when it is not needed anymore to be connected.
- Send your list of files easily.
- Ability to request files on internet (files beginning with http://...).
- Add preview pictures to your lists of files.
- Give a separate folder to each user or to domains (download and upload).
- Your server can be turned into a ftp by email server (list files, list folders, make directory, delete file or folder...).
- Ability to split files to small pieces automatically for people on servers that do not allow big attachments in mails.
- You can setup different servers (to share different things with different people) in the same window.
- Autosend needs little resources so old PCs can run as servers as well.
Totally secured:
- You just specify the directories where the files you want to share are.
- You can specify what kind of files can be requested (extensions filters).
- You can specify a list of users who can use the service. Collect your friends emails or
whole domains and only the ones included will be able to request files.
- You can share different files with your declared users (called members) and the rest
of the world (anonymous users, non members).
- You can specify a ignore list of users (or whole domain) who wont be able to use the service.
Spam mails will automatically be deleted.
- You can specify an amount of files that can be sent to one person per day in order to prevent
abuse or save bandwidth.
- Nobody can access the files without permission.
- Thanks to Autosend implementation, the users do not know your hard drive structure (ie they do
not know your shared directory is c:\my documents\sharedfiles), this information could help hackers
breaking into your system.