FTPRush is The most flexible, advanced and versatile FTP/FXP client with support for
It allows you to transfer files from local to server, server to local or server to server.
It allows you to fully customize the user interface on-the-fly.
It allows you to create your own scripts to do automatic jobs... It allows you to do a lot of things.
It offers a modern and easy-to-use interface that can be customized to your preference. In addition
to the standard FTP client functionality, it includes a variety of advanced features such as folder synchronization,
scripting support, conditional transfers, on-the-fly compression and folder caching, built-in task manager,
SFV Checking, mass file renaming and more. FTPRush can be customized in many ways from color coding,
layout, mouse actions, file sorting and more.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 1.0.0626 |
- Unicode version can be installed in MS Windows® 98/Me/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista
- ANSI version can be installed in MS Windows® 98/Me/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista
- CPU Pentium® III 800
- 128M Ram
- 10M Hard Drive Space
File Size: | 4.80 MB |
License: | Free to try, $29.95 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating : |  |
Main Features of FTPRush :
- Tabbed Interface for smooth control over multiple active connections
- GUI Runtime Customization and Integrated Docking; spice up the look of it all with your own style or favorites such as MS Office® 2000/XP/2003
- Drag-And-Drop files via Explorer-like interface
- Built-in Task Manager for you to easily schedule all kinds of jobs.
- Allows to setting listing/downloading/uploading account individually into One site and switch them automatically
- On-The-Fly Compression saves your bandwidth
- Multi-Language support makes FTPRush easily translatable to your native language if it's not already done
- HTTP Proxy, FTP Proxy, Socks 4 & 5 support; create different proxies and switch between them with a simple mouse click
- High performance Disk Buffer to decrease disk fragmentation
- Secure FTP (FTPS) support; protect your data and information through SSL/TLS encryption
- SSH FTP (SFTP) support
- TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) support
- Synchronize data
- Built-in Script Engine for you to reap maximum benefits from each one of your transfers; either write your own scripts or choose from an always growing collection
- Automatic SFV Checking and Reporting functionalities
- Multiple-Files Renaming tool saves you time
- Built-in Command Designer for Serv-U/RaidenFTPD/ioFTPD/glftpd; your always one click away from all the basic ftp commands but you can also personnalize them to make everything quicker for you
- FTP Folders Caching speeds your browsing
- Wildcards, Regular Expressions and Skip & Allow Lists tools make sure that you transfer wanted data only
- Search for a file on a server as easily as you would on your own machine with our Advanced File Finder tool
- IdentD Server support
- Unicode/UTF-8 Charset support
More useful features :
- Keep Alive to avoid being disconnected by FTP servers
- Enforce Active-Mode Transfers (PORT) if you can maximize speed through a specified local port
- Test the availability of your FTP servers with one mouse click
- Export recursive directory tree of FTP servers to a text file
- Limit upload/download speeds and save some more of your bandwidth
- Add multiple hosts/ports to one of your FTP server and they will be cycled through on-the-fly
- You have limited account logins? No problem! You can setup Max. Total/Upload/Download logins for each FTP server
- You need to kill a ghost connection? Simply login with the SHIFT key pressed!
- Browsing a directory with too many files and folders can be frustrating? Not anymore! Our Mark as Bold, Odd/Even Row Background Color and Custom File/Directory Color Highlighting tools will make everything clearer
- OutDisk email attachment FTP for Windows
for Email makes it easy for email users to share big files in email messages. Works with any email and webmail.
- HandyFTP - FTP upload tool
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- FTP Explorer
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is a powerful FTP client - an application that enables you to connect to any FTP server and download or upload files and directories