Site Publisher
Site Publisher is a FTP sync tool, specially designed for web site owners. This program makes a mirror image of the offline web site
on your PC, by uploading files to your website using FTP. But the Site Publisher is no ordinary FTP client.
It's smart! this program only uploads files which are new, or have been changed, and deletes old files
and directories from your website that are no longer needed, and all with a single mouse click!
The Site Publisher represents the new generation of web site maintenance software. Today our award winning program
is used by thousands progressive webmasters around the world. Why not try it right now? Only our investigations
and more than three years experience in developing such webmasters tools allow us to release this revolutionary
product. We'd implemented many unique technologies like Safe Transfers and Time Bias Autodetection that makes
Site Publisher the great tool for maintaining your web site.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Latest version: |
2.5.77 (22-May-2007) |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- Pentium II processor or later
- RAM: 64 MB
- No special requirements for hardware
License: | Free to try, $19.95 to buy |
File Size: |
0.98 MB |
Screenshot : |
View Screenshot |
Rating : |  |
Site Publisher Features:
- NEW! Safe files uploading. This feature lets your visitors access files while you uploading it. No more broken files at your site.
- Multiple site managing. The settings for each your site are stored in separate profiles (Jobs) that can be run simulationously. This is the best way to manage your mirrors.
- Easy to use Publishing Wizard for tuning your site. You can prepare a profile for your web site within a minute!
- Transfer resuming. Site Publisher supports both upload and download resuming for safe file transfer.
- Automatic directory structure creation.
- Smart full automatic site updating algorithm. It may work as a background task without user interaction.
- Detailed Log Window. It's very easy to detect and fix problems with your site remotely
- SOCKS5 proxy and Firewall support
- Caching remote directory listing to minimize access time.
- Supports permissions for remote files and directories
- Autoswitching ASCII/BINARY mode
- Can be minimized to System Tray
- And more ...