Moto Calendar
Powerful visual and audio features of the Moto calendar desktop software program
allow you to easily and quickly manage, personalize, customize, schedule, view, hear and find business
appointments, doctor appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, special events and family events,
school schedules, school activities and holidays.
The side by side daily planner and monthly calendar along with virtual stickers, detail tab,
and appointment notes effectively gives you that "appointment at a glance" capability. Virtual stickers
(appointment icons) are displayed on the daily planner, the side by side monthly calendar,
the full view weekly calendar and the full view monthly calendar, a feature not found in a lot of
other calendar and daily planner programs.
Moto calendar is the complete calendar and scheduling solution with features such as pop-up reminders,
print capabilites, powerful search functions, daily view, week view or month view, notes,
a "to do list" and the ability to schedule single or recurring appointments and events minutes,
hours, days, weeks, months or years in advance.
You also get optional animated messengers to alert you before a scheduled event, the ability to
select your favorite song to be used as an alarm, a time zone reference calculator that allows you
to find and calculate any time zone differences, multiple skins (from partiotic to seasonal holiday),
selectable fonts and background colors and the ability to enter your appointment directly in the
daily planner for that quick "type and go" appointment scheduling.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 2.1.19 |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- 3.5 MB Free Space
- Sound Card (optional)
- Recommended 128MB RAM
File Size: |
3.30 MB |
License: |
Free to try, $39.95 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating : |  |
Moto calendar desktop calendar software is the complete calendar and scheduling solution with features such as:
- Daily planner. Easily see all daily appointments. Appointment icons or, virtual stickers make it easy to identify appointments. Overlapping appointments are shown side by side. Quickly transfer to the weekly or monthly calendar view. Status bar shows day number and number of days remaining in the year.
- Side month view.is shown simultaneously, next to the daily planner. The virtual sticker of the first daily appointments are shown in the month view. This gives you a daily, weekly and monthly overview at a glance. Click on any day of the month to see all appointments for that day.
- Details tab. Click on any appointment and important details will be displayed in the Details Tab. Shows appointment description, time of appoinment, how many times the appointment is scheduled for the month and if a reminder has been set or expired. Accessible from the daily planner view.
- Reminders tab. Click on the reminders tab to review scheduled reminders for the day. Accessible from the daily planner view.
- Appointment Notes. Add notes to each appointment. The notes are easily visible from the daily planner view.
- Full weekly view. Clean and uncluttered. Easily view and maintain appointments for the whole week. Quickly view details or transfer to the daily planner or monthly calendar view. Status bar displays week number and number of weeks remaining in the year.
- Full month view. Clean and uncluttered. Easily view and maintain appointments for the whole month. Quickly view details or transfer to the daily planner or weekly calendar view. Seperate from the side view month calendar. Status bar shows month number and number of months remaining in the year.
- Printable. There are several printing possibilities. From the daily planner you can print the entire day's schedule or just highlight the times you want printed.
Individual appointment details can be printed one at a time from the details tab, including notes. Search for specific type of appointments and print the search results list. Print the weekly or monthly view and hang on the fridge or bulletin board. Print blank calendars! The task list is also printable.
- Recurring events and appointments. Schedule recurring events days, weeks, months or years in advance. Advanced features allow you to specify a day of the week, month or year and more.
- Pop up reminders. Set a reminder to appear minutes, hours or days ahead of time. A pop up screen will be displayed at the appropriate time when you set a reminder for any appointment.
- Quick type and go appointments. Just type in a description on the daily planner to add a basic appointment.
- Appointment Icons. Virtual stickers (icons) act as a quick visual aid to help identify various types of appointments and special occasions "at a glance." A rich set of virtual stickers (appointment icons) is included to help you easily see different appointments and events, just like the stickers you put on your wall calendar.
- Find any appointment with the search feature. Search by virtual sticker, appointment text, notes text, or all appointments for date range.
- Fonts and backgrounds. Selectable daily planner FONTs. Change the appointment backbround color. Currently this applies to all appointments.
- Customized skins. Customize the look of your calendar with different skins. Choose from a USA patriotic or one of 11 other skins.
- Multiple Calendars. You can maintain more than 1 calendar.
- T-List. A "To Do List" function allows you track your "to do" list and then check them off as you complete them.
- Hide Moto calendar when not needed. Unhide by clicking the Icon in your computer's system tray (lower right hand corner of your computer screen).
- Day of year. Current time, day of year, remaining days in the year, and number of appointments for the day are all displayed on the bottom status bar when viewing the daily planner.
- Week number. Current time, week number, remaining weeks in the year, and number of appointments for the day are all displayed on the bottom status bar when in viewing the full weekly calendar.
- Month number. Current time, month number, remaining months in the year, and number of appointments for the day are all displayed on the bottom status bar when viewing the full monthly calendar.
- Accessible from the system tray for quick reference. The main calendar, T-List and T-Zone are all accessible separately from the system tray for quick and convenient access.
- Number of appointments. date and time can be displayed by holding the cursor over the system tray ICON, even when the calendar is minimized or hidden.
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