ZipZag is an advanced archiver that handle over 180 extensions: Windows/DOS Archives (Zip, 7z, Ace, Arc, Arg, Arj,
Asd, Bel, Bza, Cab, Czip, Dz, Ear, Gca, Gza, Imp, Jak, Jam, Jar, Lha, Lzh, Lzs, Rar, Rez, Spl, Sqx, War, Yz1, Zac, Zoo),
Mac Archives (Bin, Cpt, Pit), Linux/Unix Archives (Bzip2, C, Cpio, Deb, Devpak, F, Gzip, Rpm, Shar, Slp, Tar, Tardist,
Taz, Tbz, Tgz, Tpz, Txf, Tz, Tzb, Z, Zba), Encoded Files (B64, Bhx, Bnh, Boo, Btoa, Enc, Hqx, Ish, Ntx, Uue, Xxe, Yenc),
Application Related Archives (Boe, Bol, Dwz, Dxstudio, Eba, Fwp, Gbm, Mar, Mbf, Pgz, Ppz, Sxc, Sxw, Xpi, Xsn, Zds), Game
Levels (Bfl, Bos, Crf, Gro, Hog, Mn3, Pak, Pk3, Vl2, Wad, X2e, Ztd), Total Commander's Plugins (Adf, Atr, Chm, D64, Dbx,
Grp, Ha, Hdf, Img, Iso, Lzo, Lzx, Mbx, Mpq, Msi, Nrg, Pp, Ppm, Scl, Sff, Sis, Trd), Skins, Themes and Collections (Bnskin,
Bnsnd , Bsz, Cbr, Cbz, Co, Cpskin, Csc, Curexscheme, Curxptheme, Daf, Dps, Dxpack, Dxtheme, Fat, Grs, Hts, Hvd, Ice, Ip,
Iptheme, Ipz, Logonxp, Mls, Mmz, Mp3skin, Mskin, Obpack, Pcf, Plq, Psz, Qsf, Qsk, Rjs, S, Sdtheme, Sgf, Skin, Skn, Sks,
Smzip, Sqinterface, Ssz, Suite, Tsk, Upp, Vsk, Wal, Wb0, Wb1, Wba, Wbc, Wbp, Wbz, Wcs, Wmz, Wsk , Wsn, Wst, Wsw, Wsz,
Xptheme, Yfs, Zsk)
ZipZag is also able to handle several self extracting archives: Zip Sfx, 7-Zip Sfx, Ace Sfx, Arj Sfx, Rar Sfx, Lha/Lzh
Sfx and Sqx Sfx.
ZipZag offers better compression for 7-Zip and Sqx archive formats than Rar, Ace or Zip.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | 1.73 |
- Windows 8/7/XP/Vista
- Pentium or similar processor
- 64MB RAM
File Size: | 3.58 MB |
License: | Free to try, $19.95 to buy |
Rating: |  |
Key Features of ZipZag:
- Features include extract, add, delete, sfx, unsfx, convert, batch add, batch extract, merge, run, install,
checkout, view, test, virus scan, repair, remove known password, truncate, span, unspan, mail, print file list,
file list export to txt, csv and htm files and more.
- Batch Add feature allows to compress many files at once, each in his own archive. Batch Extract feature
allows to extract many files at once. Merge Archives creates a single archive from a couple of smaller archives.
- ZipZag can span or unspan a zip file using the standard procedure, or even slice or restore any type of files.
- ZipZag perform all file operations Windows Explorer can do, plus you can wipe a file making the file impossible to recover.
- ZipZag has a build-in viewer that works with most of popular formats, like Html, Xml, Doc, Xls, Bmp, Ico, Jpg,
Tiff, Tga, Png, Pcd, Psd, Psp, Pcx and more. C++, Delphi, CSS, Java, Java Script, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script,
Perl and PHP source code is viewed using highlighted syntax.
- You can drag and drop files from ZipZag to other applications to view them, or you can drag and drop files to
Windows Explorer to extract them in a specific folder.
- You can use right click context menu in order to compress files to archives or to extract files from archives.
- Many dialog boxes, as Extract or Add, are resizeable.