AIOCP is a professional all in one solution to completely manage a website through a userfriendly web-interface.
AIOCP can be also used as a platform for building powerful internet solutions, ranging from e-commerce, portals,
websites and intranets.
Software Information |
System Requirements |
Version: | New Version |
Linix is strongly required. x
File Size: | 6.32 MB |
License: | Free to try, € 415,00 to buy |
Screenshot: | View Screenshot |
Rating : |  |
Key Features:
- user management
AIOCP can be used by multiple users at the same time, it has an authentication and user management system that allows you to assign different access rights to each user and personalize access level to each module, service or page.
- help system
To improve usability, AIOCP has a full help system composed by contextual sensitive help and tooltips.
- wysiwyg html editor (JXHTMLEDIT)
JXHTMLEDIT is a browser-based HTML/XHTML content authoring tool based on the Java 2 Platform that allows WYSIWYG editing on multiple platforms (require the Sun JavaTM Plug-in 1.4 or higher installed on client).
WYSIWYG is the acronym of What You See Is What You Get, in other words, JXHTMLEDIT provides word processor-like user interface that allows to edit the document directly in the final form (as will be rendered). This empower non-technical users to become content contributors without any knowledge of HTML or XHTML
- menus
AIOCP could visually manage an unlimited number of multilanguage tree menus with an unlimited levels. You could also edit the AIOCP administration menu to link external applications or your AIOCP extensions. The public menus could be easily added to pages and represented in different graphical, sound and behaviour styles using either JDDM or JWTM Java applets.
- transcoding
AIOCP has a powerful transcoding module to transform on the fly an approximative HTML code in a well-formed XHTML 1.0 transitional or simple text. This improve the site accessibility and offer a better support for those sites that must be explored with an handheld computer. This tool is also available on XHTML editor to easily correct and convert your pages in well-formed XHTML 1.0 Transitional
- e-business and e-commerce
AIOCP has all necessary and some extra tools to manage e-business and e-commerce. These modules can be deeply configured to fit your needs, you could also define custom modules for shipping cost calculation and realtime payment process. AIOCP generate standard and custom commercial documents in electronic and PDF format (suitable for printing) with barcodes and images support. The e-business module include an advanced tool to track financial transactions and generate custom statistics.
- search engine
AIOCP has an integrated search engine module that could index the entire website content (static and dynamic). The public search interface allows users to perform searches by keywords and other advanced options, the results are always filtered by user level.
- access statistics
AIOCP has a platform-independent tool to collect, elaborate and represent site access statistics.
- installation
AIOCP can be installed easily and quickly using the integrated installation tool, you can also install it manually as described on installation guide.
- libraries
- AIOCP include several software libraries that could be used by developers to extend or create modules, at example:
- dynamic graphic form button to create on the fly a form button using the specified graphic model and button text in the current language. This library is also suitable to produce vertical or horizontal histograms based on specified graphic model.
- ZIP archives to create compressed files archives.
- PDF to create printable PDF documents.
- Mail a class for sending email using either sendmail, PHP mail(), or SMTP.
- Forms functions to handle html forms and check required fields and fields format.
- AIOCP contain also by default an archive of about 1500 images ready to use.
- CMS - Content Management System
- AIOCP has a set of CMS tools that allows you to manage the content of your website without any technical knowledge
but also to produce complex scripting modules if you are experienced. AIOCP allows you to separate Layout, Code,
Content and Language, so you can redesign or implement a new design or templates without worrying about the content
changing. A single page could be the result of merging several dynamic elements: header, body, footer, language
modules, code modules, page modules, menus, etc...
- The CMS editor tools comprise (but not limited to):
- WYSIWYG HTML editor to directly edit your page content without worrying about the code.
- XHTML editor to quick and easily edit the code of pages.
- Text editor to edit physical files.
- PHP wizard to create quickly physical files of code that must be integrated on AIOCP system
- multilingual
- AIOCP is independent from spoken language, it integrates an original database-driven system to dynamically handle
all international recognized languages as specified on MARC 21 standard by USA Library of Congress. This language
management system allows you to easily handle multilanguage websites.